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Order By Zelle, Check or Money Order
Mail To: Adrian Mathews, 2050 Beavercreek Rd. #310, Oregon City, OR 97045
Pay To: Adrian Mathews or ZELLE: 503-740-2997
 I will continue to take care of my our loyal customers that want Quality Health at Savings!

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Riverbend Ranch Black Label Beef
Unrivaled Beef Bundles Direct from the Ranch
Beef is guaranteed to be USDA Prime or High Choice

It is a substantial cut above anything in the marketplace!
It's comparable in tenderness and flavor to an $85 steak in a fine New York City steakhouse except that it's much healthier for you and your family because it has been raised without growth hormones. Delivered to your Door!

Taste the Difference

gold line

engage global microdaily
Engage Global MicroDaily EMF, MicroDaily Hydro, MMF Capsules, more.
Developed for the military and released to the public,

protect your immune system and give your body the tools to rebuild

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phix visceral fat loss pHix Visceral Fat Loss - Drink and Shrink, LOSE the Visceral Fat!
Lose the Stubborn Belly Fat and Get Back into Your Jeans.
pHix supports your body's fat burning response with any beverage!

By Card Online: 30 Snaps $99.95

gold line

lifepharm global stress free living
Laminine the Perfect Supplement for Cortisol Stress
 Life Changing Wellness Products!

gold line

Truly Essential PURE (99.999%) Water & Hamony Coin
Absorbs directly into your cells and Cleanses out the Toxins!

truhy hydration
Click Enlarge

The Coin of Harmony is a water purifier
that uses the natural power
of silver and copper to kill bacteria,
fungi and viruses in water on contact. 

Order the Water or Harmony Coin

Truly Essential offers solutions to restore that balance by targeting aging at the cellular level. We hydrate using nature's ancient recipe: 99.999+% pure water + essential minerals needed for intracellular hydration.

gold line

avini zeolite wellness
Avini Fiber with Zeolite and  Cell Defender+
Cell Defender is the only micronized and activated zeolite
colloidal suspension in the world. It is the original colloidal
clinoptilolite zeolite product and is supported by over a dozen
clinical studies - including trials published in peer-reviewed journals.

gold line

* JC Tonic Youth Detox Complete Body Cleanse!

gold line

Site Updated 02/21/2025
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Copyright 1996 - 2025 Webmaster: Adrian Mathews