The problem lies in the
foundation...the soil
Natural plant complexes are
deficient in our food supply due
to modern chemical farming
We have known since at least
1936 that our soils are
mineral-deficient and so is the
food grown in this soil and
therefore, so are we who eat the
food. The solution has been
supplementation with powdered
rocks in tablets and capsules.
But these alternatives are not
as efficient for our system as
actual mineral-rich plants.
So, there is a major problem...
if you are searching for optimal
health, you can’t bypass the
There is a key and a solution to
the problem
You see, the plant is a factory.
How else can you explain getting
a red tomato from a green plant?
Plus, the tomato has seeds to
make more plants. The nutrients
the plant manufactures are in
direct proportion to the mineral
content of the soil. Therefore,
the lower the mineral content,
the lower the nutrient content
and the amount of natural
complexes in our food. An
indication of nutrient levels
can be realized by the natural
sugar levels (Brix reading). The
higher the mineral content, the
sweeter the fruit and vegetable.
Lower sugar means lower
vitamins, proteins, enzymes, and
natural complexes. Since
AQUA-MIN contains these
precious natural complexes, plus
over 70 plus ionic trace
minerals, it can help supplement
by providing these vital
building blocks missing from our
food. *
AQUA-MIN works best in
water (non-chlorinated) because
our bodies need water but can be
added to any liquid. Plus, it
can also be used topically.
AQUA-MIN is beneficial for pets
and plants too.

Muscles and joints*
Energy levels*
Mineral levels*
Immune system*
Enzyme systems*
Free radical scavenging*
A powerful electrolyte of more
than 70 ionic trace minerals and
natural plant complexes
including fulvic acid
is a fulvic mineral supplement
derived from plants which
consists of 70+ bioavailable
trace minerals along with
natural plant complexes. These
complexes contain traces of
amino acids (that form
proteins), traces of vitamins,
and traces of enzymes that would
have been in our fruits and
vegetables had they been grown
in mineral-rich soil. These
natural plant complexes are the
"building blocks" that plants
use to create the nutrients in
fruits and vegetables. Since
most of our food is grown in
mineral-deficient soils our food
can also be deficient in these
complexes as well. These
"building blocks" are also used
by our cells for their various
AQUA-MIN works best in
water (non-chlorinated) because
our bodies need water but can be
added to any liquid. Plus, it
can also be used topically.
Beneficial for pets and plants
concentrate at room temperature.
Keep out of reach of children.
Consult your physician if taking
medication, pregnant, or nursing.
These statements have not been evaluated
by the FDA.
This product is not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any
Consult your physician before use.