unique nutraceutical supplement combines therapeutic
levels of polyphenols from plants: ellagitannins
(Ellagic Acid) from Raspberries, Pomegranates and
Terminalia Chebula; oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPC)
from whole grape extract; catechins from Green Tea;
Graviola; and 7 Plant Based Digestive Enzymes; together
with the antioxidant vitamins A, C, E and the mineral
Selenium to create an extremely potent antioxidant

Ask yourself this important question: "If scientists
tell us that cancer and cardiovascular disease are
lifestyle diseases, where diet and nutrition are factors
in 60% of women's cancers, 40% of men's cancers, and 75%
of cardiovascular disease, then why don't doctors
prescribe lifestyle changes including diet and nutrition
for both the prevention and treatment of these
the past thirty years the WAR ON CANCER has resulted in
tens of billions of US dollars being spent on finding a
cure for cancer.
How successful has this war been?
One answer: After 30 years and $40,000,000,000 we now
have a higher incidence of cancer, higher death rates,
and about the same five year survival rates.
Another answer: About as successful as the war on drugs.
While there are numerous
products available that contain some of the ingredients
in the Ellagic Insurance Formula there is NO other
product available that comes even close to containing
all the ingredients at the same therapeutic levels that
the Ellagic Insurance Formula provides.
Red Raspberry Powder: 514 mg
Ellagitannins / Ellagic Acid
Pomegranate Extract: 686 mg
Standardized to 70% Ellagic Acid. Provides 480mg
Ellagic Acid.
Terminalia Chebula Extract: 400 mg
Standardized to 90% Ellagic Acid. Provides 360mg
Ellagic Acid.
Graviola: 600 mg
Whole Grape Extract: 100 mg provides
Biovin OPC & Resveratrol
Green Tea Catechin: 100 mg
Vitamin A: 5000 IU as Natural Beta
Vitamin C: 60 mg as Ascorbic Acid
Vitamin E: 30 mg as d-alpha
tocopherol succinate
Selenium: 200 mcg as Selenomethionine
Enzymatic Deliver System:
Protease: 48,000 HUT
Amylase: 7,200 SKB
Bromelain: 600,000 PU
Invertase: 90 Sumner
Lipase: 320 FIP
Cellulase: 420 CU
Lactase: 90 ALU
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