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Omega Plus
30 Capsules

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Laminine® OMEGA+++


Features and benefits

* Improved signaling throughout the body

* More pliable arteries and blood vessels

* Increased agility

* Balanced cholesterol levels

* Extended release and long-term effect

When taken in conjunction with Laminine,
the effects of

Laminine OMEGA+++
are enhanced.

Laminine OMEGA+++ 
Cholesterol Profiles Study pdf

Good health starts with good circulation.
Clearing the body's internal pathways to optimize circulatory health.

The circulatory system develops in the beginning stages of embryonic development and remains vital throughout our lifetime, as it allows our bodies to maintain a stable internal environment. Good circulation also provides optimal blood flow to the brain, heart, and other organs and rapid recovery following exercise or other physical activity.

On the other hand, heart discomfort - especially from increased activity - occasional coughing or wheezing, lack of appetite and/or queasiness, are all warning signs of poor circulatory health.

Highest quality ingredients
  • Omega 3 (EPA and DHA) sourced from the Engraulis Ringens, a member of the anchovy family that has the highest naturally-occurring ratios of EPA and DHA of any fish species.

  • Omega 6 and 9 from borage oil from the Mediterranean region

  • CoQ10 Extended Release that mirrors the kind naturally found in the heart and liver

  • Vitamin K2 fermented from Natto Bacillus subtilis, a bacteria found naturally in the human lower intestine

  • Laminine OMEGA+++ also includes a small boost from the Fertilized Avian Egg Extract, which allows the other ingredients in Laminine OMEGA+++ to perform their functions more effectively.

  • Q. How many softgels are in each bottle of Laminine OMEGA+++?
    Each bottle of Laminine OMEGA+++ contains 30 softgels.

    Q. When is the best time to take Laminine OMEGA+++?
    For best absorption, we recommend taking Laminine OMEGA+++ with food, about 15 minutes before a meal.

    Q. What separates Laminine OMEGA+++ from similar products on the market today?
    Laminine OMEGA+++ is unique in its use of the highest quality, potency and safety Omega Fatty Acids, CoQ10 Extended Release, and Vitamin K2, ensuring the effectiveness of the product. Laminine OMEGA+++ also incorporates an added boost of the Fertilized Avian Egg Extract, distinguishing our product from any seemingly similar products on the market today. Laminine OMEGA+++ is a multi-action formula designed specifically to help maintain and improve circulatory health. Its synergistic blend helps to improve the effect of each ingredient working in harmony.

    Q. Will the fish oil in Laminine OMEGA+++ give the supplement a fishy aftertaste?
    As our fish oil undergoes molecular distillation to remove any potential toxins, and is tested before and after the process, there should be no fishy aftertaste or unpleasant endnote from taking Laminine OMEGA+++.

    Q. Are there adverse reactions for any of the ingredients in Laminine OMEGA+++?
    There are no documented cases or instances of adverse reactions. When taken as recommended, Laminine OMEGA+++ is safe and effective. Please note the allergen warning: this product contains eggs, fish and soy. As always, if you have any questions about how Laminine OMEGA+++ will be affected by other medications you take, please consult with your physician.

    Q. What if I already take separate supplements for Omega Fatty Acids, Vitamin K2 and/or CoQ10? Should I stop taking them? Laminine OMEGA+++ is a well-formulated dietary supplement that incorporates several functional ingredients. By creating an all-in-one supplement for circulatory health, we allow individuals the opportunity to replace 3 costly individual supplements with 1 superior formulated supplement.

    Q. I’m still relatively young - do I still need to take a supplement to improve my circulatory health?
    A healthy circulatory system has benefits for individuals of all ages, such as: optimal blood flow to the brain, heart and other organs, as well as rapid recovery following exercise.

    Q. Where can I find Laminine OMEGA+++ today?
    Even though you do not need a prescription for Laminine OMEGA+++, it is still not available everywhere. If you are interested in taking Laminine OMEGA+++, or would just like more information about the supplement, please contact a LifePharm Global Network Independent Business Owner.

Laminine OMEGA+++

Read what people are saying

"My husband and I started taking Laminine in June 2013 and then Laminine OMEGA+++ in December 2013. Now he sleeps very well and his mood has improved. I feel very happy and have less stress in my life. Each day we feel better and younger (we are in our 60s). I'm so happy we have these products and I continue to share with friends and relatives the opportunity to have excellent health and wealth."
Tatyana S., U.S.A.

"I'd been taking Laminine OMEGA+++ for a month and decided to check on the status of my cardiovascular and circulatory system. All tests came back with positive results - the "age" of my vascular system came back as 48 when in fact I'm 64! I was really stunned and delighted!"
Galina A., U.S.A.

"Since taking Laminine OMEGA+++, I've experienced a noticeable improvement in my health! Taking it with Laminine, I have improved focus and energy."
Lacie M., U.S.A.

"I took my first two Laminine OMEGA+++ capsules before bed and woke up the next morning feeling so blissful. I had such clarity that day and much more energy. I am aware of my body using it in my brain and now I'm wondering how else it will help!"
Karen S., Australia

"LifePharm Global Network corporate family has given me a wonderful experience and opportunity. With these miraculous products, I look forward to improving my business achievement, which is also my small way of showing gratitude for what it has done for me."
Dave S., Philippines

"I have about 15 years of experience with dietary supplements, but the results I have seen with Laminine are the fastest and the most significant. My 73-year-old father and my children have all benefited from both Laminine and Laminine OMEGA+++. My father feels a difference in his stamina and circulation, and my children are better able to retain what they learn at school."
Timur S., U.S.A.

"Laminine and Laminine OMEGA+++ are very good products. Although my family and I were not unhealthy, we feel the products fortified us. Many friends really needed the products and when I share them, we were gratified to see their health improve within only two or three months. My goal is to inform as many people as possible about the amazing health benefits of these two products."
Tatiana G., U.S.A.

"Ever since I joined LPGN, I have been sharing stories about Laminine with everybody I meet. Then in December, I began to take Laminine OMEGA+++.
I lost 5 pounds and my fingernails became strong as iron. My focus and memory have improved, and I can remember a surprising number of things that would have escaped me before. I sleep like a baby and for me, there has been a very big improvement in my quality of life."
Galina L., U.S.A.
"I've had the pleasure of taking Laminine OMEGA+++ for a month now and I was a little surprised it worked as quickly as it did. My circulation has improved, I sleep more peacefully and have more stamina. I just started taking Laminine, too! I'm going to take both at the same time so I can take this opportunity to the next level. There is no stopping us now! We've truly found great health and wealth in a bottle."
Damian R., U.S.A.

"In January 2014 I started taking Laminine.
Within four days of taking four Laminine capsules a day, I noticed a huge jump in my energy levels and then I noticed my strength and stamina improved.
In early June I started to take Laminine and Laminine OMEGA
+++. I now constantly notice improvement in my well-being, and my skin is looking better.
People have noticed the differences. My hair is growing in thick and strong again. I so love these two products and want to share them with the world."
Dayle P., U.S.A.

"Laminine truly works exactly and expediently where our own bodies need it! I call Laminine and Laminine OMEGA+++ the dynamic duo of supplements. They are the only supplements that I take, trust and tell anyone and everyone about. The Secret to Perfect Health has not only been unlocked, but it has been explained, experienced and expressed like never before! Hands down, it is the best business model and product line on the planet. Whether you are in need of better health or desire to maintain your good health, Laminine and Laminine OMEGA+++ are highly recommended for you! Truly, health and wealth exist in the same bottle!"
Larry F., U.S.A.

"My friends and I have experienced tremendous change in our lives since taking Laminine daily. We sleep well and feel stress-free, so we are much happier. We can focus better and have an overall sense of well being. I will continue sharing Laminine and Laminine OMEGA+++ while building my LPGN business and creating long-term income."
Cecilia T., U.S.A.

"Laminine gave my husband the energy and stamina to handle his physical challenges. In addition, his memory improved! We both also take Laminine OMEGA+++, and I no longer worry about our circulatory systems. We've both benefited and can focus on our new lifestyle, which is supported by the LifePharm Global Network compensation plan. It's a very important source of our income, and I am ambitious. My goal is to advance rank continuously."
Tatyana K., U.S.A.

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