So I started on
MMF. With in 2 days I totally felt my energy change and
a total mental clarity.
I have been living
in a fog since 10/11/12. My husband and my self and our
3 year old Grand daughter was hit from the behind. We
were total stopped at a red light and the lady did not
even stop... she just plowed in to the back of our
car!!! (We were in Utah for our daughters wedding) I hit
my head on the T bar ( where the seat belt attaches to
the vehicle) I had two seizures in my husband arms and
one when the paramedics were getting me out and one in
the ambulance on the way to the hospital. I ended up
with traumatic brain injury (TBI) And I have lost 85% of
my vision field. My eyes have not come back but we have
so much hope in MMF so we will see.
The major problem
( like the others are not) But when they took a cat scan
(MRI) the Doctor found a mass on my pancreas and we
needed to get a biopsy on it right away. So when we got
back to Texas we had it done. Well weeks later we got
the worse news any person could get, Pancreatic
CANCER!!!!! after month's of crying and praying, we had
surgery to remove the cancer and 1/3 of my pancreas.
With in two month's after I was still very sick! One
night I asked my husband to take me to the ER cause I
thought I was having a stroke. Nope!! I found out that
my sugars were 515 and my A1C was 14 ( that's really
high) So I had to go on insulin therapy to get my sugar
under control!!!
We found MMF and I
have been on it now for 4 1/2 months and now I am off
metformin and my high bad cholesterol meds off my blood
pressure medicines... And the most amazing thing is my
husband was waking up to my continuous glucose monitor
alarming that my sugars were in the 54-65 range (very
low) at about the 3 1/2 month time frame so we went to
my endocrinologist and she gave us awesome news my
pancreas has STARTED BACK UP AGAIN!!!
And now today I am totally off all diabetes medicine and
insulin!!! I will not go another day with out it!!! -
The biggest
difference for me is the reduction of inflammation!!
That helps relieve more than one medical condition I
have... I plan on spreading the word!!... - Jessi
I started taking
MMF over a month now. Since then, I'm sleeping better at
night, I feel energized throughout the day and my stress
levels have subsided. Overall, I just feel better! -
I did notice a
difference, I had more energy, I felt like I had more
mental clarity, just over-all better!! - Emily
I just started MMF
about a week ago. I like to work out frequently and I
suffer from incredible pain in my forearms during my
workouts. Nothing has helped the pain: ice, heat,
stretching, pain killers or wrapping them.
After my first
week on MMF, I felt almost no pain at the gym. It was
fantastic! Even if that was the only thing MMF did for
me, that alone would be worth it. - Chris
Been taking MMF
for three months now. Wouldn't go without it. It has
helped me in so many ways and I was pretty healthy
to begin with. - Lou Anne
I have been using
this product MMF for 3 weeks and I can tell you it
works!!! I have more energy and I sleep better. - Dave
I wanted to let
you know that the MMF is doing wonders for our oldest
daughter who has Aspergers. She was diagnosed 3 years
ago after a long 11 years of trying to determine why she
was different. It has been 14 years of major melt downs
over trivial things that occur on a daily basis for
everyone in life. What we have been able to accomplish
with MMF, for us is short of miraculous. She has been
taking Two Drugs now for 3 year, Strattera 80 Mg per day
and Chlonadine, both of which have had negative side
effects and have only lessened the meltdowns to one a
day or so, rather than all day events.
MMF has allowed us
to take her off of her medicine riding us of the
negative side effects and we have not had a meltdown in
over 3 and a half weeks. She is able to deal with not
only the trivial things that used to cause issues, but
she is dealing with issues that would normally cause her
to go nuclear. - Roy
My 58 years elbows
and right knee is totally feeling better and thanks to
MMF. - Zia
Amazing product!
If you are unsure about buying, rest assured you will be
happy after making the purchase! - Anonymous
I absolutely love
this product. Shipped sooner than expected. I use it as
a work out vitamin and it works better than any multi
pack I have tried. - Jenny
Excellent product,
no reason to look elsewhere for a product like this!
Must have. - James
After 6 months of
a therapeutic dose, I no longer have any sign of
prostate cancer. Plus my cholesterol is in line!
Also experience better sleep - Lee
Knee pain gone,
Foot pain gone, Shaky hands gone, 10 pounds gone,
laziness gone, trouble sleeping gone
and I have only been using it 1 month! - Brent
I am very happy
because for the first time in twelve years I can swallow
my food, without having to force it down with water.
I have Achalasia and my esophagus has lost it's natural
ability to move food downward, but after being on the
MMF for a little while I can see my body is healing. I
also enjoy less morning sickness, less neck tension, and
the pain I used to feel daily in my heart has gone away.
I am very pleased. - Helen
I have a great
deal of energy and endurance when I take my
micronutrients, and this helps me to get through the
twelve hour shifts at work, and to keep going after work
when I get home to the kids. Working as an RN it is very
important for me to be awake and alert when I am
working. When I take my micronutrients, I feel more in
control during the day and a whole lot happier. - Brooke
I was introduced
to MMF about 2 months ago, and my life has not been the
same. I am basically very healthy, with a few minor
things here and there. One of my major complaints was my
lower back. Every night when I'd get in bed, my lower
back hurt so much that I had trouble sleeping. I also
had aches in my knees. I have minor arthritis that would
flare up once in awhile.
Ever since I
started taking MMF, my lower back pain has diminished,
as has my other aches and pains. I sleep better, have
more energy and am sold for life. This is the real deal
and I wish everyone would listen to me. I have a much
brighter future, as do my family.
My little boys
allergies are gone and his asthma is so much better. He
used to miss school all the time and now he's never
absent. MMF enhances the immune system, which we all
need, especially heading into the cold and flu season.
My older son says that he thinks clearer at school and
has more energy, He also sleeps better. My mother, who
has Parkinson's, has more energy and her blood pressure
is stabilizing. It helps all who take it and I'm
eternally grateful for it. - Kristi
My name is Brenden,
and I'm a survivor of a fatal car accident. In May of
2002 my car was struck so hard it split in half,
ejecting my friend and I over 30 feet into a nearby
ditch. It left in a coma for about 3 months with a
severe traumatic brain injury. I was in pain constantly,
I also required multiple surgeries.
MMF has changed my
life completely, the first night I took it I could sleep
on my side for the first time in over 12 years. I went
from drinking 4+ cups a day of coffee to 1 or 2. My
energy has gone way up too, I used to require several
naps a day. Now some days I don't need any. My stomach
would always hurt whenever I did anything that strained
it. Now the pain is gone almost completely! I would
never endorse anything that I didn't know worked, I've
even given it to my family. My wife who I met in rehab
(she also had a traumatic brain injury) is on this too,
and her quality of life has gone way up in almost every
aspect. If you have any hesitation then you should just
try it for 2 weeks like I did, and watch your life
transform into something you never knew it could be. -
I've been taking
MMF for 3 months now and I cannot ever see myself not
taking it. My mood and energy are greatly enhanced. My
energy in the mornings is the most noticeable
difference. When my alarm clock goes off I am able to
get right out of bed no problem. I LOVE MMF! - Sean